lunes, 21 de marzo de 2022

Module 5: Assessment

 To assess my students in this Break Out I have designed a dartboard that I will fill in Excel. I will assess different aspects such as their participation, their use of English, the respect for other classmates, the effort put into the challenges and also the ability to listen to others.  Find attached an example: 

jueves, 10 de marzo de 2022

Module 3: Create your own Break Out Edu

As I told you in the previous task, my escape room is about a new variant of COVID which turns humans into zombies. The vial of this new variant is locked in a “cyphered machine”. As one worker of the pharmaceutical company does not agree with the methods of the company… he has managed to steal some clues from the central computer to unlock the vial of COVID and avoid the spread to the world.

 Through this escape room I will review contents from the units that we have worked along the academic year. 

2 challenges that I will include in my escape room: 

1. I would create a “secret” text with the “Codificador de colores” website and my students will need to find the hidden words regarding to the topic of food. They will have to circle them and copy them in a control sheet. The number of words they find will give them the first number to open the lock.

 2. I will create a jigsaw with the website and I will print it out. It will be a short text comprehension and students will have to put together the pieces and answer 4 questions about the text. If they get them correct… I will tell them to turn over the pieces of the jigsaw because at the back of it, they will have the second number to open the lock. 

I will connect all these challenges through a genially in which I will explain them the tasks through different videos (of the worker of the pharmaceutical company) explaining them the tasks: for the next task, your teacher will give you a jigsaw...

martes, 15 de febrero de 2022

Initial presentation: Secret Stashes to Escape Rooms

Hi there! My name is Gema and I work as an English teacher in a public primary and infant education school in Turís. When I heard about this course, I automatically signed up because I was really interested. I am a great fan of gamification and I have taken my first steps in the Escape rooms (and break outs) world. However, since I am working in my current school (3 academic years) I find them quite difficult to implement: it is an enormous school (3/4 groups per year) and I don't have an English classroom so for me it's difficult to create materials for so many groups as I don't have a common space. That's why I am so interested in digital escape rooms. Looking forward to learning a lot! :)

lunes, 30 de marzo de 2020

lunes, 16 de marzo de 2020


Hola a tots i a totes. Sóc Gema, la mestra d'anglés dels vostres fills i filles.

En aquest espai podreu trobar continguts i material interactiu per tal de treballar la meua àrea durant aquestos dies sense classes presencials.

Podeu deixar comentaris en les entrades del blog (no oblideu posar el nom del xiquet o xiqueta per a poder ubicar-vos) i també podeu contactar-me a través de la web família.

Benvinguts al meu blog!


Module 5: Assessment

 To assess my students in this Break Out I have designed a dartboard that I will fill in Excel. I will assess different aspects such as thei...